Thursday 7 June 2012

Excuses, Excuses...

Since the weather is not particularly good, I thought I might write an entry about the excuses we make so as not to exercise...and the responses!

I have across some very twee comments on the excuses we make, but I think this is my favourite:
The only thing excuses are good for is holding you back!

  1. I don't have time. Life is busy, but even 10 mins X 3 of exercise per day count so there are no excuses not to start. You may not know this, but President Obama works out six times a week; if he can manage with his (ahem, slightly) busy schedule, then you really don't have any excuses. And remember, if you can make time for Coronation Street, X Factor, going for a pint after work, etc. then you have time to fit a short work-out into your routine.
  2. I don't like exercise\ Exercise is boring. Simple! Just choose something you enjoy. If you enjoy dancing, join a zumba or salsa class, if you like soccer, join a five-a-side league with friends or family. Exercise can be fun and something to enjoy.
  3. I can't afford it. If you're just starting out, all you need is a pair of comfortable shoes. You don't need gym membership to get fit - just get outside and move. Or you can follow an online programme like this twenty minute work-out that doesn't use any equipment. Even if you want to incorporate weights into your work-out you can buy dumbbells like these relatively cheaply at Argos or somewhere similar.
  4. My work-out routine hurts. That means it's working!!! Keep it up until it stops hurting. If it is very bad, however, you should try a different routine, or use lighter weights (even 0.5kg per weight can make a huge difference). Also, make sure you're resting and sleeping enough.
  5. I don't have the energy. This is a RIDICULOUS excuse because exercising generates energy so the more you engage with it, the more energy you will have. It's the opposite of a vicious cycle!
  6. The weather is bad. If you were to wait for great weather in Ireland to get out and about, you would likely become house-bound. It is possible to go out in the rain - you won't melt. Just don't take stupid risks like cycling in gale-force winds or running on windy roads in heavy rain as visibility is at its worst.
  7. My trainer works me too hard. If it's that bad, get a new trainer. The likelihoods are though that you're either being a wimp or you just need to chat to your trainer to make a few small adjustments to ease the pressure. 
    This isn't necessarily a bad look!
  8. I'm worried about a medical condition. Speak to your doctor about what exercise you're permitted to take part in with your LEGITIMATE condition. If you're very overweight, don't do any high-impact stuff like jump squats, lunges, etc. I have noticed that with the surge of people running, there are a lot of very fat people out pounding the streets. I am not an expert, but I can't imagine it's doing them any good given the pressure on the heart and lungs as well as risk of injury to joints from excessive weight and pressure. If you can't walk 5km without being very out of breath, why try to run it?
  9. I hate sweating. Get a LIFE!! Sweating is completely natural, so you're going to have to get over that or else die on the couch watching Fair City - surely that's not how you want to go!! If you're THAT caught up about it though, try yoga or pilates to start with; these are great work-outs without too much sweating.
  10. I'm too fat. This should be your biggest excuse TO exercise. Even a small amount of exercise can lower your cholesterol, ease joint pain, improve blood sugar levels, make exercising easier and boost your confidence. For more information on how to get active and to stay active check out Weigh2Live.
  11. I worked out yesterday. Great! So, you're able, willing and know what you're doing. Get out there again today.
  12. I'm on a diet, so I don't need to work-out. Regardless of your diet, physical activity is necessary to maintain a healthy weight as well as being for your bones, your muscles, your mental health and your overall well-being.
  13. I don't have any self-control. This is probably why you're fat and\ or unfit. Start with simple changes like walking to your local shop instead of driving, have a skinny latté or cappuccino instead of one made with full-fat milk. Give up soft drinks. Completely. Even the diet and 'zero' varieties. Water is all you need to give you energy and to quench your thirst. These are easy things you can do to reduce your calorie intake and to increase your daily activity. Think small steps...
Anybody else heard any other excuses? Any funny ones? The dog ate my running shoe, etc.?

What are the things you do to motivate yourself when you're not feeling in the mood for a work-out, a run, etc.? Please share your words of wisdom in the comments box below. :-D


  1. This is great! I have been using some of these excuses lately especially the too busy one but know that a brisk walk around the park would help my studying way more than slouching on the couch watching US teen dramas.

    1. We all fall victim to those teen dramas; Sundays wouldn't be the same without my Teen Mom catch-up!! ;) You can do both though :-)

  2. Great post! I have definitely used all of those excuses. I have also used the "my trainer is using me as a counsellor and I feel really depressed when i finish the session" (yes did actually happen). I find the only really acceptable excuse is "i'm sick" which is why i'm sitting on the sofa. I use above/below the neck line. If i've a chest infection/chesty cough i will not go for a run and its likely to make me worse.

  3. I had a great excuse today. Normally I run on my lunch hour from work, and yes we have a shower, but today I forgot my running shorts and brought two tops instead! I am a really bummed about it, but I have four main excuses why I can't go after work, 2 kids, & 2 dogs, although to be really honest, I could go after hubby gets home, but will be too hungry and don't want to have dinner late, excuse, excuse, excuse.
    Once I miss my lunch time run, that is it for the day. Still, I will have more energy to have a nice long run tomorrow!

  4. MAry, I think the sickness excuse is genuine, which is why I didn't include it. When people exercise when they're ill and think they're 'hardcore' it really annoys me! Hope you feel better soon, though I wouldn't be running in this weather anyway - it is horrible out there!

    Ruth, do you want the recipe? It's very straight-forward and you can eat it all.

    Deb, they sound like excuses to me! I was more focused on people who don't do any or much exercise, so we'll let you off this time! :)

  5. Great post!I love the one about sweating. That is one of my favourite excuses.I really do hate sweating. I went for a fast walk at lunchtime on Tuesday to try and help kickstart my body.I came back in and was asked was it raining outside!It wasn't but I was sweating from my face so it looked like my face was all wet!This isn't the first time my sweat has been mistaken for rain.Thankfully I got to the gym last night and did some real sweating and then to pilates tonight.

  6. Now I feel guilty because I 'forgot my swimming gear on my way to work this morning'. >.< Usually, though the excuse these days is that I have to study. Still... doing my best to get to the pool at least twice a week.

  7. Sunshine - maybe during the day isn't the best time to go walking if you're returning to an office! OR, tell them all to shut up - at least you're getting out and about. We don't have any shower facilities where I work at the minute, which is a pity as I would love to go running on my lunch break since I'm so busy with college after work.

    Michelle, I can't comment at all about your swimming gear because I can't actually swim properly! Maybe there's a blog in a lesson...?!
